Q & A with author Rochelle Weber

Thanks for being here today, Rochelle. Would you please share a short bio about yourself?

I’m a Navy veteran with a BA in writing from Columbia College in Chicago. I’ve been a member of Mensa, and I edit the Marketing for Romance Writers Newsletter. I have two daughters and four grandkids, and I live with my eldest in Volo, IL, where three cats and a bunny allow us to care for them.

Q Do you consider yourself a shy and/or introverted person?

Not at all. I’m about as extroverted as you get. Not only am I not afraid of public speaking, I even sing karaoke sober!

Q What’s the hardest part of this business for you?

A Despite being an extrovert, I still have to say that marketing is the most difficult part of the writing business for me. I may be outgoing, but I’m not great at follow-up. I have ADHD and things fall through the cracks. I’m a day-dreamer! My head is never in the present.

Q Tell me about a time that you had to step outside your comfort zone either in your writing career or in your personal life?

I haven’t always been an extrovert. Much of my life I’ve been morbidly obese and it took years for me to reach a point where I didn’t care whether people thought I was fat when I got up to speak. I can’t tell you when the shift happened. It just did. Somewhere in the course of twenty-plus years of sharing in Twelve Step programs I felt accepted and then branched out to speaking at science fiction conventions and lost all inhibitions.

Q What’s one tip you could share with shy and introverted people that’s helped you?

You are a writer—a story teller. You have something to say and people are more interested in hearing what you have to say than judging how you look. Speak up. You are the only one who knows how your characters really sound. You are the only one who can truly bring them to life. I once wrote a script for a program at the VA with witty remarks introducing various acts. The Music Therapist in charge gave it to one of the other singers to read. And that’s what he did—he read it. No inflection, no timing, no heart. When I present my book in public, you’d better believe the audience knows what my characters are thinking and feeling, because I become them and give the audience what was in my head when I was writing the book. Do that and you’ll be fine.

Q Would you please share with our readers a blurb from your most recent book and tell them where they can purchase it?

Katie McGowan is bi-polar, and she’s run the gamut of medications. Everyone is telling her she should go to the Moon and have microchip surgery, but she’s afraid she’ll become an automaton. In a last-ditch, tough love effort to force her to get the chip, her husband, Scott takes her to the Moon and divorces her when she decks him. Then she discovers she’s pregnant. She can’t have the surgery or take her meds until after the baby’s born.

Scott is elated when he hears he’s going to be a father and naturally assumes Katie will take him back. He always intended to take her back as soon she had the surgery. He has no clue how badly he hurt her, how thoroughly he’s broken her trust—or that he may not get her back at all.

Buy Link

Q And finally, please tell our readers where they can find you on the web.

A http://www.rochelleweber.com/

Thanks so much for being on the blog today, Rochelle!


  1. Hi, Rebecca:

    Thanks for having me here today!


  2. You're very welcome. I hope everything goes well for you today--I'm sure it will.

  3. Great interview, Rochelle. I enjoyed learning more about you. I know what you mean about speaking. I was horrible all through school when we had to give oral reports. In fact, I found it difficult to speak to a crowd most of my life. About ten years ago, my daughter and I started selling Home Interiors. I was supposed to do the paper work. When I booked a party through a friend, she couldn't make it and I had to do the party alone. Sure some of these people were friends, but some weren't. Once I figured out they didn't know what I was supposed to say or if I messed up, I was fine. After that, I did all the presentations. It wasn't that I wasn't nervous, but I was no longer afraid. I even taught two classes for the Encore Program at our local college. That was really easy because I love talking about writing. I especially enjoy the question and answer sessions.

  4. Thanks, Roseanne.

    Sorry to get back so late. Finally awake and recovering from the procedure I had today. ;-) The prep yesterday kept me away from the computer.

    I also forgot to mention something our publisher tells us--always sign off with your webpage URL.

