A I'm an odd mix of outgoing and shy, but there are certainly times when I feel very shy and introverted. In fact, I will admit to not going somewhere because I was feeling shy and didn't want to put myself out there to try to get to know people.
Q In what ways has being shy or introverted hindered your writing career?
A The biggest thing it did was make me hesitate to join my local RWA chapter. And that's too bad because those ladies are some of the most supportive writers and nicest people I've ever met!
Q In what ways has being shy or introverted helped your writing career?
A I can happily hole up in my house for days and write. ;-)
Q What’s the hardest part of this business for you?
A I think never knowing if you're going to sell the next book. I've sold Talk to Me, but will a publisher buy my new book? Should I keep writing so I have more than one thing available to submit? Just the whole "not knowing" thing bugs me.
Q Tell me about a time that you had to step outside your comfort zone either in your writing career or in your personal life?
A Oh gosh, there have been so many times! One specific instance I can recall was when I was pitching to editors and agents for the first time at a conference. I was pitching my very first, and I had so much riding on these pitches from an emotional standpoint. The first time you pitch, if ANYONE expresses ANY interest in your book you latch onto it like a barnacle to a ship. Luckily I can say that those feelings go away, at least somewhat, the more pitching you do.
Q What’s one tip you could share with shy and introverted people that’s helped you?